“Improved Oil Recovery & EOR using Biological Enzymes”
Since GreenZyme® is completely mixable in produced water, GreenZyme® can be diluted even to below 500 ppm
level, and still be effective in "releasing" crude oil from sand surfaces in the formation, GreenZyme® is then an useful
agent in all secondary oil-recovery drive process. The waterflooding procedure is as follow:
1) Quantity of GreenZyme® needed:
In a normal waterflooding drive, produced water is pumped from the injector wells with pressure towards the receiver-
wells, which are the producer wells. Typical production engineer will estimate how many tons of produced water is
needed to inject, and also estimate how many tons of crude oil this cycle of injection will produce before repeating the
next cycle of waterflooding drive.
Under normal waterflooding drive, calculate the quantity of GreenZyme® needed at 500 ppm strength from the total
tons of water used, say 16-drums of GreenZyme® concentrate in this cycle. The production engineer has the number
of drums of GreenZyme® needed (16 drums).
2) How to apply the required number of GreenZyme® drums into this waterflooding drive?
You do not need to use an external tank to dilute the 16-drums of GreenZyme® to 500 ppm level before injection.
Because we can use the underground formation as a mixing-tank, since GreenZyme® is easily and
instantly mixable with produced-water in the underground formation.
How to do this?
Say we need 16-drums of GreenZyme® concentrate for this drive, we propose a 4-steps dilution-injection stage, each
stage contains 4-drums of GreenZyme® concentrate:
Step 1:
Dilute the first 4-drums of GreenZyme® concentrate to 10% strength using an external tank and
produced-water, pump this 10% GreenZyme® into formation, followed by the first part of 1/4 total of
regular produced-water injection.
Step 2:
Repeat step 1 above, dilute the second 4-drums of GreenZyme® concentrate to 10% strength using an
external tank and produced-water, pump this 10% GreenZyme® into formation, followed by the second
part of 1/4 total of regular produced-water injection.
Step 3:
Repeat step 1 above, dilute the third 4-drums of GreenZyme® concentrate to 10% strength using an
external tank and produced-water, pump this 10% GreenZyme® into formation, followed by the third part
of 1/4 total of regular produced-water injection.
Step 4:
Repeat step 1 above, dilute the final 4-drums of GreenZyme® concentrate to 10% strength using an
external tank and produced-water, pump this 10% GreenZyme® into formation, followed by the fourth part
of 1/4 total of regular produced-water injection.
After all 16-drums of GreenZyme® injection is finished, resume normal crude oil production.
Please notice this: Significant crude oil increase in waterflooding production wells will happen only after the injection of
produced-water + GreenZyme® eventually reaches the producing oil wells. This may happen in weeks, sometimes in
months, depending on how far away the distance between injection well and the producing well and also the geological
formation-profile underground.
What is the difference by using GreenZyme® in waterflooding drive versus without use of GreenZyme® at all?
The differences are as follow:
The injection-cycle using GreenZyme® will produce significantly more crude oil than the cycle without
The injection-cycle using GreenZyme® will extend the period of time crude oil increment will last.
The pumping pressure is much less (i.e. using less pumping pressure means less energy costs) with
GreenZyme® than the one without, and the total amount of liquid capable to be injected into the formation
is also much greater than the one without GreenZyme®.
Fluid is injected at an Injection Well
Injected Fluid moves through the Oil Reservoir
After interacting with GreenZyme®, Mobilized Oil is Extracted
GreenZyme® for Waterflooding Systems
(Easy Search our EEOR Websites)
Enzyme enhanced oil recovery (EEOR) for waterflooding operations
Patent Application number: 20080196892
Issued: August 21, 2008