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“Improved Oil Recovery & EOR using Biological Enzymes”


GreenZyme® Questions & Answers

Different Scenarios Encountered in the Oil Field

Disclaimer: 	  Apollo Separation Technologies Inc will never give a performance guaranty for any of our GreenZyme® products.  	All material information contained here is intended for use as reference only, as well as basic understanding by end users of Apollo GreenZyme®.   Apollo Separation Technologies Inc. has the right to modify more new information here from time to time, as more information is available from our end users’ feed back.   Each user of this information assumes all responsibility and risk for the use of this information and GreenZyme® products.   Both Apollo Separation Technologies Inc. and it’s authorized dealers and agents do not assume any liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of this information.  	Apollo Separation Technologies Inc. will not be liable for any compensatory, special, direct, incidental, indirect, consequential damages, exemplary damages or any other damages resulting from loss of use, data, or profit arising out of, or in connection with the use or performance of the materials, however caused, whether for breach of contract, warranty, negligence, or otherwise, and whether or not Apollo Separation Technologies Inc. has been advised of the possibility of such damage. If you would like personalized technical support or you have more questions,  please feel free to contact us.
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