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“Improved Oil Recovery & EOR using Biological Enzymes”

A pallet of Greenzyme contains 4 drums for a typical treatment. / Un paquete de Greenzyme contiene 4 tambores para un tratamiento típico. Mix Greenzyme with formation water if available, otherwise diesel the preferred substitute. / Greenzyme es generalmente mesclada con agua de formación, pero en caso de que no esté disponible, Diesel es la opción preferida. Tanque de Mezcla Mixing Tank 100% GreenZyme® Concentrada
100% GreenZyme® Concentrate
Each drum of GreenZyme® Concentrate contains 55 Gallons or 208 Liters. Cada tambor de GreenZyme® Concentrada contiene 208 Litros o 55 Galones.  
GreenZyme® Mix  Diagram Pump    Bombeo
Injector Well Water-Flood System
Single Well System
Export Label Etiqueta de Exportación
Numbered Quality Control Label Etiqueta Numerada de  Control de Calidad
Sealed Security Cap Tapa de Seguridad Sellada
GreenZyme Argentina EOR Read More..

EOR Pilot Tests With Modified Enzyme

Feng Qingxian,Wang Juanjuan,Liu Min,et al.(Oil Production and Technology Institute,Dagang Oilfield Company,CNPC,Tianjin 300280,China) In order to verify the enhanced oil recovery effect of modified enzyme, micro and macro evaluations were conducted to understand its EOR mechanisms by using various fluids and conditions. At reservoir temperature of 50 to 80, lab experiment indicated that the modified enzyme solution was adaptable to both light and heavy oil and was not sensitive to minerals, water with bivalent cation and high salinity. The enzyme working performances were further enhanced with microorganism occurrence in the solution. Micro modeling experiment revealed that spontaneous emulsification and solubilization could take place between the modified enzyme and crude with emulsion particle of 2 to 6 μm in diameter,which is produced through stripping as a result of solubilization. Core flooding experiments presented that desorbed crude volume and displacement efficiency were related to modified enzyme concentrations which usually ranged from 5% to 10% with the optimum being 8%. In optimal conditions, recovery can on averagely be increased by 16.9%. Pilot test was carried out, and had achieved additional oil production of 2,920 t.It shows that the tech has good foreground.
Neuquen GreenZyme Well Injection Neuquen GreenZyme Well Injection EOR Argentina