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Biotech Processing Supply, LLC

Dallas, TX / Jacksonville, FL

214 884 5554

904 442 5555

info@btprocessing.com sales@btprocessing.com
Colombia (vasconia) oil vs Greenzyme GreenZyme®

“Improved Oil Recovery & EOR using Biological Enzymes”

Contact - Tell us about your Oil Well
We can provide an evaluation for your EOR potential and how our Biological Enzymes can work for you.

Please note: The information required by this form will allow our engineers to start analyzing your specific situation and project. We will require precise well and equipment information with production curves to advance further.
Argentina AECO S.A.C.I.A. is the exclusive agent of Biotech Processing Supply, LLC
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Technical Support & Business Development for South America Soporte Técnico y Desarrollo de Negocios en América del Sur
Venezuela, Colombia, Mexico, Ecuador EnZyme EOR, Corp is the exclusive agent of Biotech Processing Supply, LLC
Technical Support & Business Development for South America Soporte Técnico y Desarrollo de Negocios en América del Sur
www.enzymeeor.com * BTP and the BTP logo are registered service marks of Biotech Processing Supply, LLC * All content is formatted for readability and to fit the website design and specifications. ** All content has been supplied by the manufacturer and/or is free information available on the internet.  *** All content is intended to inform and guide, but not ensure, on potential GreenZyme® applications.  **** Results will vary, use at your own risk. Contact